Torrington Savings Foundation Awards $100,000 in Response to Covid-19
The Torrington Savings Foundation awards $100,000 in grants in a special cycle that opened in April to respond specifically to the immediate needs of those directly affected by the pandemic. The regular annual grant cycle for the Foundation will begin to accept applications starting August 3, 2020.
Awards of up to $10,000 were granted to those organizations working on the frontlines of the pandemic. These critical funds will be used for basic needs such as rent, food, infant supplies (diapers and formula) utilities (heat, gas), counseling, medication, and childcare.
Covid-19 related grants by category made by the Foundation include:
Frontline Worker Support & PPE
Foothills Visiting Nurse & Home Care
Shepard Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center
The Arc of Litchfield County
McCall Foundation
Basic Needs & Hardship Funding
United Way of NW CT
Prime Time House
Salvation Army
New Opportunities, Inc.
The Community Kitchen of Torrington
Friendly Hands Food Bank
Northwest Hills Community Church
Family Strides
Two Hearts Pregnancy Care Center
Northwest Connecticut Arts Council
Child Care
YMCA Camp Mohawk
Kids of Summer Foundation
Foundation Co-President, John E. Janco stated, “The Torrington Savings Bank Board and Management Team made the decision to establish a Foundation in 2018. Our primary goal was to support our local communities. I cannot think of a better way to achieve that goal than to support these vital, front line organizations during this Pandemic crisis.”
For more Foundation updates including application guidelines for non-profit applicants, please visit https://www.torringtonsavings.bank/foundation/
Posted on: Monday July 27, 2020
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