Torrington Savings Foundation Announces First Grants
Torrington Savings Foundation Awards its First Grants Totaling $42,000
The Torrington Savings Foundation is pleased to announce the award of 11 grants totaling nearly $42,000 from their new charitable fund. The Foundation’s primary focus is increasing economic development by supporting nonprofits that provide neighborhood revitalization and education services.
The Torrington Savings Foundation was funded by Torrington Savings Bank in celebration of the institution’s 150th anniversary in 2018. The inaugural grant cycle ran from August 30 – October 11, 2019 in which a significant number of applications were received, vetted and decisioned. Foundation Committee Co-Chairman, John E. Janco, stated, “The Torrington Savings Foundation is a wonderful way to recognize the value Torrington Savings Bank places in being an active member of the communities we serve.”

Grants made by the Foundation include:
New Hartford PTO for their Project Playground initiative
Prime Time House to increase mental health awareness for youth
FISH Northwestern CT to support the Brooker House and FISH Shelter
Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. to support their Spanish to English Literacy Project
American Mural Project to support their Summer Enrichment Program
The Salvation Army to support their Kids Club Program
Harwinton Library Friends, Inc. to support their Expanded PlayAway Launchpad Collection
Fishes and Loaves, North Canaan, to help fund the replacement of the roof on the Pilgrim House
The next grant application cycle will be in 2020.
Nonprofit organizations interested in learning more about the Foundation’s mission and application guidelines can visit TorringtonSavings.com/foundation/
Posted on: Thursday January 2, 2020
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