Torrington Savings Bank is Here For You
A Message to Our Customers and Community
In this time of global uncertainty, we want to assure you, our neighbors and friends, that we are here for the long haul. Since 1868, Torrington Savings Bank has supported our community through many crises, and we stand ready to do the same today.
Torrington Savings Bank operates with strong capital and liquidity levels. We are well-positioned to help you weather the disruption this pandemic may bring, and we will be here, behind you, every step of the way.
We have employees prepared to work remotely and, this morning, we closed 6 of our branch lobbies so our staff can remain healthy and ready to serve you. Our Falls Village lobby remains open. We encourage you to take advantage of the digital tools available to help you manage your account(s) and make payments. You can access your account remotely using the TSB app or use our online banking service at torringtonsavings.bank.
Torrington Savings Bank is aware of the essential role we will play in the weeks and months ahead. We want to assure you, as your financial partner, we will be available to provide support and assistance during this unprecedented time in our history.
If you have been financially impacted by COVID-19, we’re here to help. You can reach us at (860) 496-2152. We have staff on site ready to answer your questions or direct you to the necessary resources.
For Retail Bank Customers: branches are fully staffed and drive up windows are operating under normal business hours at all locations except 129 Main St, Torrington. You can access safe deposit by calling ahead.
For Commercial & Small Business Customers: Our commercial lenders and business banking professionals are available to assist you with loan and cash management needs.
For Loan Customers: We have a plan in place to address customers experiencing financial impacts from the health crisis.
We cannot predict the challenges that lie ahead, but you can be certain that we will be here for you, your businesses and your families.
John E. Janco Lesa A. Vanotti
CEO President & COO
Posted on: Friday March 20, 2020
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