A TSB Life Loan Can Help You Borrow Cash for Less Interest
Sometimes you have an expense you didn’t anticipate, and you need to be able to borrow some funds to help you manage it. Or maybe you think you might be needing some extra money in the near term, and want to be able to have additional funds at the ready by getting a personal loan with a competitive rate.
A Torrington Savings Bank Life Loan can be the lifeline help you need to get you through. With a much lower interest rate than the prevailing rate credit cards charge, a Life Loan can get you the funds you need, without paying the extra in interest that comes with other types of borrowing.
You can use the money for repairs to a car or home, towards tuition, or a computer, for medical expenses and more. Whatever your life needs, a Life Loan can help you borrow money to pay for it.
This unsecured personal loan offers:
- No application fees
- No pre-payment penalties
- A low fixed rate
- Additional 0.25% interest rate discount with auto-pay from a TSB account
- Terms from 1- 4 years
- Available amounts from $1,000 – $15,000
Life Loan
Effective Date: March 24, 2025
DETAILS: Auto-Pay from a TSB account is required. Rates reflect discount for Auto-Pay. Without Auto-Pay, add .25% to the rate.
Life Loan Details:
Valid for new money only. Life Loan rewrites at 12.00%/12.00% APR. Auto-Pay from a TSB account is required. Rates reflect discount for Auto-Pay. Without Auto-Pay, add .25% to rate. Contact a loan representative for details.