An Update to Our Customers and Communities
It has been nearly a month since we made the decision to close our branch lobbies so our Retail bankers can remain healthy and ready to serve you. At the same time, we swiftly implemented the ability to work from home for our back office and lending teams with the necessary security protocols to protect your information. We all recognize the importance of the financial stability banks provide and the entire TSB team has maintained a positive attitude through the challenges. We remain ready and willing to serve our customers.
Torrington Savings Bank is proud to be part of the local, state and national group of community banks committed to providing uninterrupted, essential financial services, especially during this historic disruption to our daily lives. In our combined 71 years of banking experience, we have never seen this level of commitment to supporting customers and community from our Board of Trustees, our staff and our fellow community bankers.
Recently, Congress passed the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)through the Small Business Administration (SBA). The PPP offers loans designed to support small businesses in keeping workers on their payroll. These loans are eligible for forgiveness if the funds are used in the program approved manner. Our Torrington Savings Bank team has successfully processed a large number of applications through the SBA for both existing customers and others who needed our help. While you may have heard the news that the SBA has stopped accepting applications for these loans at the moment, we are still working with businesses to help them find solutions to see them through these unique times. Please contact us if you are looking for help.
Despite all the good we are seeing in our communities, there are those that would take advantage of this trying time. We encourage you to be vigilant against fraud attempts. Please review the page on our website regarding scams that have emerged as a result of this epidemic and contact us immediately if you feel you may have been affected by fraud.
TSB operates with strong capital and liquidity level and we are well-positioned to help you weather the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have been financially impacted by COVID-19, we’re here to help. You can reach us at (860) 496-2152. We encourage you to visit our website frequently for updates. We have staff on site ready to answer your questions or direct you to the necessary resources.
For Retail Bank Customers: branches are fully staffed and drive up windows are operating under normal business hours at all locations except 129 Main St, Torrington. You can access safe deposit by calling ahead.
For Commercial & Small Business Customers: Our commercial lenders and business banking professionals are available to assist you with loan and cash management needs.
For Mortgage & Loan CustomersWe have a plan in place to address customers experiencing financial impacts from the health crisis.
John E. Janco, CEO Lesa A. Vanotti, President & COO
Posted on: Friday April 17, 2020
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